In between busy schedules, budgets and meetings it can be hard to find the time and a reason to get out the office and attend a trade show. Opening at 10AM and closing at 3PM, ECS offers the perfect solution. A time and cost effective one-day exhibition & conference where the electronics industry will meet to discuss the latest components, services and projects that engineers & purchasers are working on.

ECS will offer a conference programme covering both Design Engineers and Purchasing Professionals featuring the latest trends, how they can be implemented into product design, provide a platform for engineers to engage with fellow industry experts, BOM software to the future of automated warehouse systems.

• Component manufacturers showcasing their latest products

• Electronics component distributors

• A seminar program for design engineers and purchasing professionals tackling the industries latest challenges, hot topics and what the future holds

• Free WiFi

• Free parking

• Opportunities to create new business relationships

• Opportunities to connect with current and potential suppliers

• £5 lunch voucher to the first 500 registrations for on-site catering trucks

Food Voucher Sponsor
Cup Sponsor
Connections Café Sponsor
Lanyard Sponsor